Wednesday, May 20, 2009

FINAL Question # 5

1. Describe or define Virtual office.
The Virtual office is a shared office services, which normally includes business address, mail & courier services, phone services, fax services, answering services, web-hosting services, and meeting & conference facilities.

2. Distinguish virtual from MIS.
Virtual office are providers of services that provide the in-house or outsourced services such as corporate secretarial services, accounting services, or legal services. Professional firms such as law firms and accounting firms often provide registered address services as part of their service offerings. While the MIS is was made manually and only periodically, as a by-product of the accounting system and with some additional statistics, and gave limited and delayed information on management performances.

3. Illustrate (give examples) how virtual ofice can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Finals Question #4

1. Describe or define DSS.
ANSWER:A Decision Support System (DSS) is an umbrella term used to describe any computer application that enhances the user’s ability to make decisions. More specifically, the term is usually used to describe a computer-based system designed to help decision-makers use data, knowledge and communications technology to identify problems and make decisions to solve those problems.


2. Distinguish DSS from MIS.

MIS viewed as an IS infrastructure
generates standard and exceptional reports and summaries
organized along functional areas
developed by IS department and while the DSS is
a problem solving tool
used to address ad hoc and unexpected problems
end user tool.
reference; WWW.answer.COM

3. Illustrate (give examples) how DSS can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance.
ANSWER:Gain Competitive Advantage from Business Intelligence and Ensure Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance," "With Data Mining, Achieve Competitive Advantage from the Data You Already Have!", "Executives See Business Intelligence Emerging as Crucial Competitive Advantage," "Use a DSS for Markdown Management and Profit Optimization," "Use DSS to Improve Profitability Through Timely Decisionmaking," and "XYZ Company Gains Competitive Advantage with Data Warehousing Solution". Some consultants temper the message to help sell their services -- "A data warehouse can be a competitive advantage dream or a costly nightmare." A more sophisticated vendor marketing message explains one way a firm can gain a competitive advantage -- "Data warehousing can provide a competitive advantage for organizations by increasing market share through analysis of customer profiles".

Finals Question #3

1. The one company that adopt MIS is the ASIABIZ company, is that they showcase the attractions of businesses through Internet advertising ( and by these kind of strategy the MIS help the company to be known to all the people or customer.MIS helps to the company,managers and their employee to their problem and decision making by it helps them to be more hardworking, has a determined and perseverance to serve their client.

These company also treasured clients in order to positively enhance economic development and help create jobs across economies and continents.The company and its employee believe that once they serve their clients well, they will be our repeat clients and spread goodwill for them. they have managed to develop successful client relationships built on trust.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Finals Question #2

.0.a Research one international company from the Internet and describe their MIS strategic plan in 1-2 paragraphs.
The AsiaBIZ company a Singapore-based market research, strategy consulting and and investment promotion consulting firm. Our coverage spans Asia Pacific's 22 biggest countries. their strategy is as follows..

• Value Addition

• Asset Building (intangible and tangible asset portfolios)


• Strategic Business Unit (SBU) Strategy

• 'What-if' Scenario-based Strategy


• Market Opportunities

• Competencies

• Management Passions

1.0.b Discuss too the impact of this strategic plan on the company's management,
competitors, customers and the company as a whole.

ANSWER:To date, their is strategy consulting services has resulted in an overall Fortune 500 client investment portfolio in excess of US$2 billion in Asia, excluding government and SME clients.

2.0.a Evaluate how can this strategic plan be applied to any local company in the Philippines.

ANSWER: this strategic plan can be applied in the Philippines to any local company if their leaders and employee are has focused and determined to do their each task for the best and success of the company.
They must treat the people as valued and committed team members with a spirit of excellence, people who believe in and can follow our management to fulfill the vision, where every member is challenged, equipped and released to their highest creative and self-actualizing potential yet preserving unity.

2.0.b Discuss too the possible effect on the company.

ANSWER:THE possible effect on the company is that the service and value to their clients is to provide excellent and relevant analysis and knowledge for strategic decision making. When clients think of business, marketing, or investments, they come to this company first. and it helps so the the company will be well known not only in the Philippines but also in the other country.

3.0.a What is an Accounting Information System?
ANSWER;An accounting information system (AIS) is the system of records a business keeps to maintain its accounting system.

3.0.b Identify or list down different accounting information systems used.

Accounting information systems are useful for companies and businesses wanting to make the accounting process easier by utilizing a computer program or other system that will perform payroll and other functions. These systems, commonly including accounting software, make it easier to compile financial data for use in taxes, payroll, and other bookkeeping requirements. Recording is the first step in these systems that are used by companies including pertinent data such as expenses and profits that are very important to keep on file. After the recording phase, the information will be processed for use. When processed, it is filed in the areas where it is most important. These systems have various groupings or categories to maintain files until they need to be used in the future for whatever reasons. The final step that is part of most software programs is the communication phase. This is the process of actually utilizing the records that have been recorded and processed. Common communications of this data will be used for payroll and tax purposes. "The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one that is hasty only to want.

3.0.c What are the benefits by the management, users and customers derived from these AIS?
The use of information systems is very important in recording vital financial data that will be used in the future. Major corporations, especially in the retail industry, will keep such data as sales, profits, expenses, and many other items for future use in financial reports. Recording will be done often on a daily basis, if not on a minute-by-minute basis with more complex and detailed accounting software. This is very important also because it will not only be used for daily practices, but will be necessary for tax purposes for the remainder of the year. Also, much of this data has to be kept on file for a number of years, in the event of an audit or other financial issues that may arise. Legal issues can cause severe problems and even end in the destruction of a company. By using computerized accounting information systems to organize and retain this data, companies have a much better chance to survive and succeed.

3.0.d Cite any threat or misuse of these AIS by a specific company. How were the threats addressed? What were the damages?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Final Question # 1

1.Twice each year, the New Hampshire Department of Education requires school districts to complete the personnel form featured in this report. Thus the task of our Web-based example is to illustrate how the data could be gathered from different locations, collected and stored centrally, made available to users with appropriate permissions at different locations, and made unavailable to users not possessing these permissions. In presenting the example in the form of an electronic report, we include not only an explanation of the data collection system, but an opportunity for readers to actually use the system: by clicking on appropriate links and buttons the reader will be able to interact with the software and the sample database located on the STG Web server.

The system explained and demonstrated here consists, on the server side, of several specialized CGI scripts and a simple, generic DBM database. The system encountered by the user, however, consists only of HTML pages and forms. This makes it possible for users to intract with the system from any computer capable of running a Web browser (e.g., Netscape, Internet Explorer or Lynx).

The programs facilitating the interactive forms are all implemented as CGI scripts, written in the popular programming language called PERL. [6] These scripts are small and easily produced, and the system is generic in the sense that it can be easily customized to suit the individual data collection, authentication, and reporting needs of any school department in the NetTech region.

Although it would have been possible to use a large, commercial database package to house data from our forms, we felt it was important to show this was unnecessary. All that is required here is the ability to associate keys with values; in our example the keys were a combination of the year, the district, and a location in the input form. The values were just that: values typed into the input form at the given locations by a user. For example, key = "1997:District-10:f1a", value = "145", means "for the year 1997 in district 10, the value given for field 1a in the input form was 145".

Normally, a set of key-value associations are implemented by programmers using objects called hash tables. Hash tables, however, only stay in memory as long at a program is running. Our system clearly required something that would hold our data on disk for subsequent program runs. What we needed, in other words, was a persistent hash table.

Fortunately, most PERL installations have a set of simple, fast, hash-like routines known as DBM routines. These are elementary, generic database routines capable of storing key/value combinations in the manner of a hash table, and of doing it on-disk, rather than in volatile memory, so that the data could be accessed and modified on subsequent runs.

Similarly, the functions of DBM routines can be duplicated by any commercial database. As a result, if a district wants to import its data at the end of a given recording period into a larger commercial database, or into desktop spreadsheet programs, all it requires is a few lines of additional PERL code. PERL, fortunately, has modules for outputting files in most major database formats.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Midterm Question #2

1Research Philippine and one international company that have employed e-commerce.

Child labor is recognized as a serious problem in the Philippines. In the third quarter of 1991, the Philippine Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) estimated that there were 777,000 Filipino workers between the ages of 10 and 14, and 1.4 million between 15 and 17 years. These figures exclude the large number of working children below the age of 10.1 In a recent article, however, DOLE reportedly acknowledged that, altogether, at least five million children work in commercial and industrial sectors in the Philippines. These figures coincide with UNICEF and ILO estimates of 5 to 5.7 million working children.

The Filipino garment industry commonly uses child labor in the manufacture of products exported to the United States. Child labor is allegedly found in wood and rattan furniture making and in gold mining, but further research is required. In addition, there are reports of child labor in food processing (including sardine canning), fireworks/pyrotechnics, footwear, plastic bags, and so-called "muroami fishing", but there is little evidence that these items are exported to the United States with any regularity. There are no statistics on the number of child workers in Filipino export industries.

2.Describe how e-commerce operate in these companies.

the Philippines exported over $1 billion worth of garments to the United States.Studies report that children work on a piece-work basis at home, or in makeshift work places under a subcontracting system. Children sew, make button holes, trim, fold, wash, and pack garments. In smaller factories and home sites, children also embroider and smock clothes, including baby dresses.

3.Identify the benefits, constraints derived by these companies from e-commerce.
the benefits, constraints derived by these companies from e-commerce is that they help many poor children that can't supply their own needs like food, studies and shelter.They give more job for these people help them to give a chance to improve their lives. it helps also to the economy of country of job employment.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Midterm Question #3

1. Identify the possible risks and threats (eg. virus) that can potentially attack a company with internet connection.

by Yanet Manzano

Over the last ten years, the number of Internet hosts has grown at an accelerated rate; slowdowns and traffic jams are plaguing the information superhighway. Consequently, companies struggle to meet the rising demand for speedy quality service. Unfortunately, the control mechanisms available today are not enough to handle the congestion problem we currently face. When we talk about the causes of congestion today, we have to decompose them into two major categories: one is congestion caused by legitimate traffic, and the other is congestion caused by malicious activities. In this article, we are going to focus on congestion created by malicious activities, specifically Denial of Service (DOS) Attacks.

DOS attacks are much like any other hacking attack, except that the penetration step does not exist. Because of this, most people consider DOS attacks as less of a threat, and therefore do not take enough preventive measures, until they find themselves facing a system shutdown and losses of millions of dollars. According to a CBI/FBI 2002 survey, the highest reported financial losses due to a single DOS attack increased from $1 million in 1998 to $50 million in 2002 [8]. In spite of such evidence, most companies still overlook the relevance of using preventive mechanisms to deal with DOS attacks. We have decided to place the situation in a different light, with the objective to provide a better understanding of the growing damage potential of this type of attack.

We are going to focus on a scenario in which an attacker individually launches his own company. The business would consist of launching DOS attacks against other companies, with profits being equivalent to the financial damages created by the DOS attacks launched. Our attacker starts with the traditional DOS model of one-attacker/one-victim, and then works to develop more sophisticated models that result in more damaging, and therefore more profitable attacks. Through this scenario, we will explore the three largest transformations of a DOS attack, from the traditional model to distributed DOS (DDOS), and to distributed DOS with reflectors (DRDOS). Before we move to trace the development of our attacker, we will explore some of the most famous DOS attacks that served him as inspiration to create his DOS Attack company.

2. Case research and analysis:

2.a Identify one company that had experienced an attacked from the internet.
ANSWER:By Martha Neil

In nearly 20 years as a trial lawyer, Keith Fink has encountered plenty of hardball litigation tactics. But the cyber attacks he has suffered since he began representing former employees of American Apparel in litigation against the company are unique.

"I've never experienced it, I don't know any lawyer that's experienced it, and I'm sure I'm never going to experience it again in my career," he tells

In an apparent effort to discourage and discredit Fink, company employees have launched an Internet attack on his character, as the New York Post reports it has documented in internal American Apparel e-mails.

In an article last week, the newspaper details the cyber campaign it claims the company has launched against Fink, who who has filed multiple lawsuits against American Apparel and its chief executive, Dov Charney, on behalf of various former employees: "According to internal e-mails allegedly written by American Apparel staff and obtained by the Post, company officials are buying Web ads and feeding and building sites that allege a litany of malfeasance by the Los Angeles-based lawyer."

Among the efforts, the Post says, was text inserted into a Wikipedia entry about Fink. In it, as of mid-January, he was described as an "ambulance chaser" and worse. The newspaper also says that at least one website apparently was set up anonymously for the purpose of discrediting Fink, according to the internal American Apparel e-mails.

And, Fink himself tells, he believes the company is also responsible not only for this and other website criticism but Internet ads and even a critical—and, he says, factually inaccurate—print ad that ran prominently on Jan. 8 in the University of California Los Angeles campus newspaper, the Daily Bruin. Fink is teaching a class on free speech in the workplace at UCLA.

Although Wikipedia has taken down the critical entry about Fink in the website's free online encyclopedia, other Internet attacks are still up (and can readily be found by doing a name search on Google or another search engine).

Responding to a Post request for comment, American Apparel's general counsel said the e-mails relied on by the newspaper are unauthenticated and declined to discuss the matter further.

The Post article doesn't explain how the newspaper obtained the claimed American Apparel e-mail copies. But Fink says he believes one of the company's 10,000 or so employees has been sending them out anonymously.

2.b Describe the attack.
ANSWER:the newspaper details the cyber campaign it claims the company has launched against Fink, who who has filed multiple lawsuits against American Apparel and its chief executive, Dov Charney, on behalf of various former employees: "According to internal e-mails allegedly written by American Apparel staff and obtained by the Post, company officials are buying Web ads and feeding and building sites that allege a litany of malfeasance by the Los Angeles-based lawyer."

the Post says, was text inserted into a Wikipedia entry about Fink. In it, as of mid-January, he was described as an "ambulance chaser" and worse.

2.c Identify the damages done and the solutions adopted to reverse the damages and to protect the company from future threats.

ANSWER: Fink says he doesn't have time to try to respond to them individually and needs to focus his energies on representing his clients in their litigation against American Apparel.

"They're never going to intimidate or silence me, so … these efforts are all in vain," he tells But, he adds, "I'm going to kick their butt in trial in my cases."