Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Finals Question #4

1. Describe or define DSS.
ANSWER:A Decision Support System (DSS) is an umbrella term used to describe any computer application that enhances the user’s ability to make decisions. More specifically, the term is usually used to describe a computer-based system designed to help decision-makers use data, knowledge and communications technology to identify problems and make decisions to solve those problems.


2. Distinguish DSS from MIS.

MIS viewed as an IS infrastructure
generates standard and exceptional reports and summaries
organized along functional areas
developed by IS department and while the DSS is
a problem solving tool
used to address ad hoc and unexpected problems
end user tool.
reference; WWW.answer.COM

3. Illustrate (give examples) how DSS can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance.
ANSWER:Gain Competitive Advantage from Business Intelligence and Ensure Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance," "With Data Mining, Achieve Competitive Advantage from the Data You Already Have!", "Executives See Business Intelligence Emerging as Crucial Competitive Advantage," "Use a DSS for Markdown Management and Profit Optimization," "Use DSS to Improve Profitability Through Timely Decisionmaking," and "XYZ Company Gains Competitive Advantage with Data Warehousing Solution". Some consultants temper the message to help sell their services -- "A data warehouse can be a competitive advantage dream or a costly nightmare." A more sophisticated vendor marketing message explains one way a firm can gain a competitive advantage -- "Data warehousing can provide a competitive advantage for organizations by increasing market share through analysis of customer profiles".

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